The best B2B sales blogs to follow in 2020

January 10, 2020 By Stacey Woods

b2b sales blogs

Looking for the best blogs to follow for great B2B sales tips? Then look no further.

I’ve reached out to sales leaders and professionals, including Pepperi’s own sales force, partners and customers, to ask which blogs they follow when looking for B2B sales inspiration.

Here are the most highly recommended (ranked by relative popularity):


Sales Hacker

Sales Hacker, created by Max Altschuler (currently the VP Marketing at Outreach), is one of the most well-known names in the sales blog world.

It has lots of quality content sourced from a large community of writers and covers many sales-related issues. Any sales professional will find something of interest – from prospecting to effective coaching, sales enablement and even sales operations.

On top of helpful B2B sales blog posts, they produce other useful content, including ebooks, podcasts and webinars.

Gong analyzes recorded sales calls using AI (Artificial Intelligence) and derives insights to help B2B sales teams adopt the best sales strategies that win deals. They call it revenue intelligence.

They write about sales management as well as sales skills such as objection handling, selling with questions or how to best use customer references.

What’s cool about their content is that much of it is based on hard data from millions (!!) of conversations they have analyzed. You’ll get loads of tips, best-practices and techniques that can be put immediately to use.

If you are looking for in-depth content they also have great webinars.


Hubspot’s Sales Blog

Hubspot, the well-known developer of an inbound marketing and CRM platform (as well as other sales tools), has a great sales-focused blog for newbies as well as sales veterans.

You will gain valuable insight on topics such as prospecting, sales qualification, sales process management, negotiating deals and more. From time to time they add posts from external contributors to the mix.

Needless to say, they also have a great marketing-focused blog that’s a must-read (in case you are also interested in marketing).


Jill Konrath’s Fresh Sales Strategies

Jill Konrath is a well-known B2B sales expert and author of several succesfull sales books (“Agile Selling”, “More Sales, Less Time” and more).

She is a great storyteller and often adds a personal angle to her posts. Her blogs are really easy to read, regardless of the topic whether it is learning from failures, the sales mindset or value proposition.


Jeffrey Gitomer’s Blog

Jeffrey Gitomer is an American author and business trainer, known for his best-selling books “The Sales Bible”, “The Little Red Book of Selling” and many more.

He writes and lectures on sales, customer loyalty, and personal development. His posts are easy to read and provide practical tips as-well-as higher-level “food for thought”.


SalesGravy Training Blog

Sales Gravy was founded over a decade ago by author and thought leader, Jeb Blount, focusing on sales training and enablement solutions.

He is considered an expert on prospecting so there is plenty of content on this subject, as well as other issues such as how to close a sale, building seller-buyer relationships and more.

SalesGravy blog is podcast rich (many posts link to specific podcast recordings).


Sandler Training Blog

Sandler training advises every type of sales professional – from leaders and executives down to individual sellers. As such, their blog covers numerous aspects of the sales process – coaching for success, improving prospecting calls, tips for creating sales playbooks and how to retain existing accounts.

I hope you’ll find inspiration and tips in these blogs that will help you up your sales game. Also, keep an eye on Pepperi’s B2B Sales Blog for thought-leadership, tips and industry best-practices.

About The Author
Stacey Woods author image
Stacey Woods
Stacey Woods is the Senior Business Development Manager at Pepperi. She has extensive experience in B2B sales and understands the many benefits that can be gained by automating and syncing the different sales channels in a company.
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