Top 3 2 B2B CPG Sales Trends

September 7, 2018 By Stacey Woods

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We are continuing to monitor how Internet and technology affect B2B CPG sales. Here are the top trends we have seen this year:


Death of the Salesman – Changing role of the sales rep

With the constant advances in marketing technology and the rapid growth of consumer self-service sales, has the wholesale distribution segment of the supply chain become an unnecessary step in the sales process? Or has a new opportunity been created?


Omni-what? Why omni-channel strategy is now key

What is omni-channel? How is it different from multi-channel? While multi-channel customers are merely able to purchase an item in-store, via mail-order catalogue or online; Omni-channel is defined as a customer-centric experience where different sales channels combine into one unique experience. Customers can decide which media they use to engage, and are free to cross over the different channels without “friction.” They are actively engaged and at the center of interaction with the brand.

Read the article here


Mobile first is no longer enough: authentically mobile is what you are after

Mobile-first refers to the increasingly common practice of designing and building content and apps for optimal user experience on smartphones and tablets.

Most mobile-first apps, however, are not authentically-mobile – they fail to take full advantage of the powerful capabilities inherent to mobile devices to deliver novel and differentiating functionality, which is the primary focus of authentically-mobile.

Authentic mobility is a boon for field sales apps in particular – read why here.

About The Author
Stacey Woods author image
Stacey Woods
Stacey Woods is the Senior Business Development Manager at Pepperi. She has extensive experience in B2B sales and understands the many benefits that can be gained by automating and syncing the different sales channels in a company.
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